Nursing home residents should never live in fear of abuse or neglect. Unfortunately, many residents face this treatment every day. When abuse results in an injury, it could be possible to pursue legal action against the abuser, the facility, or its owners.
When your loved one suffers nursing home abuse, you could benefit from a discussion with a dedicated attorney from Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. Having legal representation you can rely on gives your family the best chance at obtaining a fair case resolution. Let a Flint nursing home abuse lawyer advise you on how best to proceed through the legal system.
Not all acts of nursing home abuse are the same. Some of the most common types of harm in skilled nursing facilities include the following:
Physical abuse—as the name suggests—involves an act of physical violence against a nursing home resident. This could include an assault involving kicking, slapping, or biting. Physical abuse also includes the unnecessary use of restraints on a resident.
While emotional abuse does not cause physical pain or leave a mark, the impact it can have is devastating. Emotional abuse can include acts that cause fear or depression, like shouting or isolation.
Sexual abuse is an unfortunate reality in many nursing home facilities. Some residents lack the capacity to report an act of abuse or defend themselves, which can increase the chances of additional harm.
Financial abuse can take different forms. Some acts of financial abuse involve the theft of a resident’s property from their room. Other cases are more serious, involving fraudulent transfers of significant assets like real estate.
Neglect occurs when a nursing home facility fails to provide for a resident’s basic needs, like food and water or medical treatment. Neglect can be intentional, or it can result from an act of negligence like poor training or understaffing.
Other forms of harm include failing to diagnose and treat infections and bedsores, leaving residents unsupervised, allowing walk-aways, not taking preventative measures against falls, medication errors, and more. With the help of a Flint attorney, your loved one could hold the negligent rest home responsible for their actions and prevent further abuse.
The ultimate goal of a Flint nursing home abuse attorney is to recover fair compensation for the abuse victim. Nursing home residents can face physical, emotional, and financial harm when abuse occurs. While no amount of money can undo what has been done, compensation can help the resident live a more comfortable life while moving forward. Settlement awards can cover both economic and non-economic forms of loss, including:
Additionally, one of the unique challenges of nursing home abuse is that many victims will want new living arrangements. Relocating to a new facility can be expensive, especially when the resident is under contract with their current nursing home. A successful lawsuit could result in compensation that pays for the cost of relocating to a new and safer long-term care facility.
When your loved one experiences abuse in a nursing home, they deserve justice. Holding the responsible person or facility accountable can provide a sense of closure as well as the means to recover from a harmful situation more comfortably. Reach out to a Flint nursing home abuse lawyer as soon as possible to learn more.
Please contact us today for answers to more complex questions or questions specific to your case. The initial consultation is FREE.