The nursing home neglect attorneys at Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. represent patients who suffer from pressure sores or bed sores on the knee. Nursing home facilities are responsible for the care and treatment of their patients. Part of this proper treatment does include taking proper measures to prevent and ensure a patient does not develop pressure sores on the knee. If a patient does suffer from knee pressure ulcers, it often gives rise to a nursing home neglect lawsuit against the Michigan nursing home for their failure to properly treat a patient.
Knee pressure sores are bed sores on the knee that develop due pressure on the knee itself while sitting up in a chair or wheelchair, lying in bed. For example, when a nursing home patient lies in the same position for hours or one knee on top of the other, knee pressure sores may form due to the pressure and reduced blood supply to the knee area. In addition, When a patient’s knees touch, they are at a higher risk as well to develop these ulcers.
Any patient who is bedridden is prone to develop knee ulcers or pressure sores. These bed sores commonly develop among those who are elderly, sick, and disabled, and that is why nursing home residents are at high risk. When a Michigan nursing home patient develops a knee pressure sore, it is best to get it taken care of right away, as the longer they are allowed to exist, the more the damages accumulate as the ulcer damages more and more tissue. In fact, in worst case scenario, if knee pressure sore exits for quite some time on a patient, a patients’ bone, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints could be destroyed.
Just because your loved one is at risk to develop these knee ulcers does not meant that there is not a degree of neglect involved if they do have one develop on their knee. The fact is that these knee pressure sores are completely preventable with proper care, treatment, and monitoring. Nursing home facilities and their staff should have a standard of care they are supposed to follow. When these knee pressure sores due develop on a patient and/or allowed to progress, the patient may be able to file a nursing home neglect lawsuit against the Michigan nursing home.
If you or your loved one suffers from pressure sores on the knee while residing at Michigan nursing home, you do have legal rights. Call our top rated Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. law firm now to discuss your case and speak with one of our award winning nursing home neglect attorneys.
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